Cats in Popular Culture

The red haired, lasagna-loving Garfield is probably the most recognizable cartoon character of the last couple of decades. The comic strip, which has made an appearance almost 50 years ago. Jim Davis is one of the talented creators, who established Garfield as a bit of a rebel, which is also an endearing trait. He sleeps in late, indulges in lasagna with cheesy crust and hates Mondays, which makes him extremely relatable! The feline has accumulated thousands of comic strips, short cartoon series and even three full scale movies! One of them currently playing in cinemas near you.
My second favorite is Tom, who is inseparable from Jerry. They live side by side, which is more like a co-existence of two unequal powers – a witty mouse and a cat who is devoted to classical music, a true virtuoso pianist. As a child, the first time I heard Liszt’s ‘Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2’ was from Tom performing that piece. It was my 20 minutes of screentime as winding down at the end of the long school day.
Last but not least, there’s Felix the Cat, who came onto the screens during the time of silent movies era. Felix is an Aussie, who was firmly on the screens until he was squeezed out by Mickey and a few others chatty characters. Felix is one of the most popular cat names worldwide, so much so that it even became a brand name for Purina. We’re sure you’ve seen the products in our shop already, and if not, check them out here!