Foods Dangerous for Fur Babies?
Cats and dogs are curious creatures by nature, and this inquisitive disposition often extends to their diet. However, as pet parents, we have to be vigilant about what goes into their feeding bowls. In case you like to give them a treat from your table, here is a short list of foods, which don’t need to feature in their diet. Please note: this list is by no means exhaustive. If unsure about what food that’s not specifically made for animals, to give your pet, please consult your veterinarian.

In Switzerland we consume the biggest amount of chocolate in the world, an astonishing 8.8kg per person per year. Although many people are aware of the danger chocolate poses to dogs, not everyone knows that cats are also at risk. Chocolate contains substances like theobromine and caffeine that are toxic to cats. Depending on the chocolate’s type and quantity ingested, your cat or dog may experience anything from mild gastrointestinal upset to more serious issues such as arrhythmias, seizures, and even death. Don’t let them have a bite of the chocolate muffin or nibble on ice cream. It should be off limits.
The Allium Family
Onions, garlic, leeks, and chives – are another set of human foods that can be dangerous to your pet’s health. These vegetables can cause gastrointestinal irritation and might potentially lead to hemolytic anemia. Therefore, it is essential to avoid giving foods seasoned with these ingredients to your cat, even in small amounts, as they can be toxic over time. So if you cooked yourself some chicken with onion, please leave it out of your friend’s food bowl.
Not for Cats: Dairy Products
Dairy products are not suitable for cats, especially adults. I vividly remember our grandmothers giving milk to the cat and so did my mom. However, a significant number of cats are lactose intolerant, which means that just like us, they may lack the essential enzymes to effectively digest lactose found in milk. As a result, consuming milk can lead to stomach discomfort and diarrhea. Instead of giving your cat cow’s milk, opt for specially formulated cat milk that is lactose-free and safe for them to consume.
Not for Dogs: Grapes and Seeds
While dogs might be more receptive to dairy, they cannot have pits, seeds and grapes. Cherry and apricot pits, apple and mustard seeds, as well as grapes and its dry variant – raisins are off limits for them. Toxicity of grapes in particular is linked to kidney damage.
While we like treating our fur kids to some foods, it’s best to stick to the ones that are safe and made for animal consumption. If unsure, please consult your vet. And while preventive measures are your first line of defense, accidents can happen. In such instances, having good insurance coverage can give you a peace of mind. It’s knowing that you can provide the best care for your cat in a crisis without a burdensome financial strain. It’s an important step in responsible pet ownership, helping to secure a long, happy, and healthy life for your fur baby.