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We’re thrilled to feature this brand, with their finest products for pups. Loonawell is a Zurich-based company, committed to using only the highest quality, organic, human-grade ingredients.
LOONAWELL symbolises commitment to premium, organic, food-grade nutrition for pets, with the health and welfare of each dog always at the forefront. Founded by Dr Maria de Bettencourt Tavares, a recognised expert in biomedical sciences. LOONAWELL premium dog treats, made from organic ingredients, are synonymous with happiness and peace of mind for dog owners.

From the moment the raw ingredients arrive at their production facilities, to the time they ship for distribution, every step is carefully monitored to ensure maximum quality, traceability, and product integrity. LOONAWELL’s recipes undergo meticulous preparation, combining high-tech machinery with artisanal methods to guarantee consistency and excellence in every batch.